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With the motto “Let our dream manifest your dream” serving as its fuel, production company Dolce Films has a successful track record of working with leading figures ranging from artists like Coldplay to brands such as Adidas. The 12-year old award-winning company is the brainchild of Bayou Bennett and her husband Daniel Lir, who together have been appropriately dubbed “The Dream Team.

Bennett met her husband at a cafe in New York and the two had an instant connection. “It was quite magical to have so much in common with someone on a first meeting,” recalls Bennett. The couple quickly discovered that the dynamism between the two of them could be extended into a fruitful career. According to Bennett, “when you can combine creative work passions and a romantic relationship, there is nothing better.”

The beginning of their creative collaboration took place during a snowstorm in Chicago when a brainstorming session birthed an idea: a short-film titled “Text Me.” The film was an instant hit, as it resulted in 3 best-comedy awards, 15 film festival entries and a 3-day screening in Times Square. The star of the film, Matt Bennett, would move on to roles in films and television, such as “Bridesmaids” and “Big Bang Theory.”

The couple continued their professional journey together and produced a second project with Lea Michele, before her breakout role in the television series Glee. After being branded by the industry as “star forecasters,” Lir and Bennett made the decision to relocate to Los Angeles in order to move ahead with Dolce FIlms. “People began to call us the ‘Dream Team’ because we were creating stars with films and documentaries, selling out products with our commercials, and winning many more awards,” said Bennett.

Bennett credits the early success of their projects to their relationship as a couple. “It was again that magical quality of our chemistry,” she said, that was so beneficial to their business. This enchanted element followed the duo through many prosperous projects to come.

Being a creative person by nature, Bennett was always drawn to the arts and film especially held a special place for her. “I realized the best way art could reach the most people and create the biggest change was through my filmmaking,” she said. Not only has Bennett left a mark on the film industry, but she has also created landmark changes in the field of education. In fact, Bennett was the first woman to teach in the media studies department at Parsons New School.

As natural pioneers, Bennett and her husband have a profound passion for creativity that is coupled with a desire to create impactful work. They strive to improve conditions through the art of filmmaking, as their projects have the power to bring awareness to important areas. “That’s what we feel we need in this world: positive, amazing films,” claims Bennett.

Although the couple is jam-packed with projects in the pipeline, they have still been able to artfully master a balance between work and romance. In order to maintain this balance they allot themselves date nights in which they are to not speak of business, but rather to enjoy each other’s company. As a result, this healthy separation serves as a conduit for their creativity.

The future is looking bright for this powerhouse duo. Various projects in development include feature films titled Skateboarding with Saddam, Bazooka Universe, Hip Hop to Heaven, and two TV series titled Extraordinary, and Match Breakers. Finally, the couple also has a new music video titled “I Want You Bad.”

The couple will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations of collaborators and artists to wholeheartedly pursue their passions. The undeniable connection they share shines brightly through their projects, which is why their work is undeniably both personal and relatable.